It seems everyone
has it in their mind that female dogs make such better pets than male dogs do. So I started investigating. Here
are some of the results I have came up with. Do your own search. Male versus female which make the best puppy? Ask your vet.
| | This opinion was taken from a dog
breeder with many years experience, not every thing written here is a fact just an opinion ... a little food for thought!"
Many people believe that female dogs make better pets...female preference seems to be ingrained in these people. Most calls
for pet dogs have people wanting a 'sweet girl'. They don't think females display alpha behaviors like 'marking' and/or 'humping'.
They believe that they are more docile and attentive and do not participate in fighting over dominance. Well folks, this is
not always true. In the dog pack makeup, females usually rule the roost, determine pecking order, and who compete to maintain
and/or alter that order. The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts.
The females are much more intent upon exercising their dominance by participating in alpha behaviors such as 'humping'. Most
fights will usually break out between 2 females. Males, on the other hand, are usually more affectionate, exuberant, attentive,
and more demanding of attention. They are very attached to their people. They also tend to be more steadfast, reliable, and
less moody. They are more outgoing, more accepting of other pets, and take quicker to children. Most boys are easily motivated
by food (how true!!) and praise, and so eager to please that training is easy. However, males can be more easily distracted
during training, as males like to play so often. And no matter what age, he is more likely to act silly and more puppy-like,
always wanting to play games. The difference between sizes and sexes is minimal, if bred correctly. Neutered males can exhibit
secondary sexual behavior such as 'humping', or 'marking' and lifting of legs. o But once the testosterone levels recede after
neutering, most of these behaviors will disappear. Boys who were neutered early (by 5 months of age) usually don't ever raise
their leg to urinate. The female will usually come to you for attention, when she's had enough, she will move away. While
boys are always waiting for your attention and near at hand. Females are usually less distracted during training, as she is
more eager to get it over with, and get back to her comfy spot on the couch. The female is less likely to wage a dominance
battle with YOU, but she can be cunning and resourceful in getting her own way. She is much more prone to mood swings. One
day she may be sweet and affectionate-the next day reserved and withdrawn or even grumpy. The female also has periods of being
'in heat' unless she is spayed. Seasonal heats can be a nightmare-not just for the female, but you and every male dog in the
neighborhood. If you are not breeding, you'd be best off to have her spayed. Since during this time she can leave a bloody
discharge on carpets, couches, or anywhere she goes. She will be particularly moody and emotional during this time. A walk
outside during this period can become hazardous if male dogs are in the vicinity, and she will leave a 'scent' for wandering
intact males to follow right to your yard, where they will hang out, and 'wait' for days. Before deciding on male or female,
give consideration to any other dogs that may be in or around your home. Males generally cost 1/2 the price to have neutered
as a female does to be spayed.
SOOOOOO ...before you decide on that age old dilemma of male or female, there are many
things to think about. On a personal note… I have
had both males and female each at different times being the only pet, and loved them the same. Each was everything I wanted
in a pet. I have had both sexes with other dogs and still have no preference for one over the other. They are both wonderful
regardless of any connotation put on sex.
If you have your mind set on one sex only just remember probably most of
what you have heard were isolated situations and either sex can be and is a wonderful pet to have. Don’t shut out the
opposite sex because of preconceived notions… you might be missing the most wonderful pet you would have ever had. And
in the Toy breeds males do wear bows. SO don't let the bow issue make your choice for you. Another opinion: When a litter is born, actually even before, the phone calls start and the emails
pour in. Everyone wants a girl. My reply is the same reply you will usually get from most reputable breeders "I have a waiting
list for girls and none available for a while." I feel really bad because there are some people out there looking for the
best puppy around and turn it down because of the gender. How sad is that??? If your not going to breed than why does it matter
what sex it is? If you follow the advice from your breeder, you are going to have a great puppy whether it be a boy or girl. Here
is some of the best advice they will give.
Ask your vet when the best age to neuter or spay your puppy is. That
right there will prevent so much They will not mark their territory, no heats and no surprise puppies. Not to mention the
health benefits of spaying and neutering.
Boys do have a tendency to be a little more loving than females. That I would
say would be the ONLY difference.
If your excuse is you want a girl so she can wear sweaters and bows. That my friend
is a poor excuse. All my boys wear bows. They actually sit better when I'm doing their hair than my girls do. To a
dog, it doesn't matter what kind of "Equipment" they have. If your willing to provide them with endless love they will let
you dress them anyway you like.
So, if you have spent a lot of time searching for a great breeder and decide against
one of her puppies because all she has available are boys, I urge you to reconsider.